Body Image

Progress photos can be triggering for people and I can understand why.

Progress photos can be triggering for people and I can understand why.

Progress photos can be triggering for people and I can understand why, but it’s important to also understand that as a trainer I’m not looking at what everyone else is. Most are focused in on the surface level changes, while I am looking deeper to the changes that are happening that are going to impact long term health and performance.

It’s assumed that smaller is better and that that’s the goal, but when I’m looking at these photos I’m noticing her posture, she’s standing straighter and her head position has improved which is awesome because we’ve focused on core and upper back strength which will help her be pain free in the long term. The shape of her legs are starting to change, which is super important- not because there was anything “wrong” with them but they are getting stronger so they are taking the shape they need to in order to support her active lifestyle and reach her goals.  She’s noticed that she’s faster on her runs, how great is that?

These changes that you see in the pictures are amazing because that’s why she invested in training with me, to get stronger, healthier, and feel good. How a person looks is a by-product of how they feel. I cannot emphasize this enough, How a person looks is a by-product of how they feel. Focus on feeling strong and healthy and the rest will fall into place.

I told sienna from the beginning “your body is going to take the shape it’s going to take” meaning her body is not going to look like someone else’s, it’s going to look like hers but a stronger/healthier version of it. She understood this and wasn’t coming to me because she wants to look like someone else. I also think when you hear the message that “you’re beautiful just the way you are” it can be taken a few ways. Like it’s bad to want to become healthier and it almost discredits why you are working out. You aren’t working out to be someone you’re not, if you are then some deeper work needs to be done. Sienna was and IS beautiful on the inside and out, working out doesn’t change that.

Often times people will find who they are along the way, but that person has always been there. You can just see and feel with more clarity.

If you’re starting out on your fitness journey I hope this fills you with excitement to discover what your body is capable of and how good you can feel.

What “shape” it takes will be unique to YOU and nobody else. That’s pretty cool.